IBP Reviews Blog

THERMO RF: How does this Skin Lifter work?

How does Thermo RF work? Aging is something that is actually reflected in every mark that we acquire in our skin. Solar and expression lines, they all tell your story over the years. However,...


Zen Cooler Review

What is Zen Cooler? Common fans do not change the air temperature, but they make you feel cooler helping to evaporate the sweat from your body. But for you to really cool down, you...

wifi ultra boost

WiFi UltraBoost Review: How did it work for me

Does Wifi Ultraboost really work? Here at home the WiFi signal was a real problem! There are those spots in the house where the distance from the modem is far and even though internet...

Drone Blade 720 Review

What is the Drone Blade 720? It is a new portable drone equipped with several sophistications: it has a High Resolution camera, optical flow sensors and intelligent maneuvers control. The Blade 720 is designed...

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Colour Watches Review

What can I tell you about my experience with Colour Watches? It is a smartwatch that helps you to monitor your body’s vital functions. Whether you are an active person o not, you can...

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CoolAir – Revue

Qu’est-ce que le CoolAir ? Les ventilateurs courants ne modifient pas la température de l’air, mais ils vous procurent une sensation de fraîcheur et vous aident à évacuer la transpiration de votre corps. Mais...

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Qu’est-ce que le Drone XPro ? Il s’agit d’un nouveau drone portable équipé de plusieurs sophistications : il dispose d’une caméra haute résolution, de capteurs optiques de flux et d’un contrôle intelligent des manœuvres....

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Revue Tactical SmartWatch V4

Qu’est-ce que Tactical SmartWatch V4 ? Il s’agit d’une SmartWatch pratiquement indestructible, grâce à sa technologie Gorilla Glass de 4ème génération et une batterie longue durée peut être utilisée dans les pires conditions jusqu’à 33...